AMA Journal of Ethics. COVID-19 Ethics Resource Center
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The New England Journal of Medicine
The Lancet. COVID-19 Resource Centre
JAMA. Coronavirus Resource Center
The BMJ. Coronavirus (covid-19): Latest news and resources
Scientists are drowning in COVID-19 papers. Can new tools keep them afloat? En Science.
Is It Safe for Me to Go to Work?” Risk Stratification for Workers during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Marc R. Larochelle. En NEJM Perspectives.
Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis. Mandeep R Mehra, Sapan S Desai, Frank Ruschitzka, Amit N Patel. En The Lancet.
How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic? Roy M Anderson, Hans Heesterbeek, Don Klinkenberg, T Déirdre Hollingsworth. En The Lancet.
Interpreting Diagnostic Tests for SARS-CoV-2. Nandini Sethuraman, Sundararaj Stanleyraj Jeremiah, Akihide Ryo. En JAMA.
Observational Study of Hydroxychloroquine in Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19. Joshua Geleris et al. En NEJM.
Antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in patients with COVID-19. Quan-Xin Long, et al. En Nature Medicine
Asymptomatic Transmission, the Achilles’ Heel of Current Strategies to Control Covid-19. Monica Gandhi, Deborah S. Yokoe, and Diane V. Havlir. En NEJM Editorial.
Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area. Safiya Richardson, Jamie S. Hirsch, Mangala Narasimhan, et al. En JAMA.
Variation in COVID-19 Hospitalizations and Deaths Across New York City Boroughs. Rishi K. Wadhera, Priya Wadhera, Prakriti Gaba; et al. En JAMA.
Health Care Heroes of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Howard Bauchner, Thomas J. Easley; on behalf of the entire editorial and publishing staff of JAMA and the JAMA Network. Editorial. En JAMA.
Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area. Safiya Richardson, Jamie S. Hirsch, Mangala Narasimhan, et al. En JAMA.
First Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the United States. Michelle L. Holshue, et al. En NEJM.
A European roadmap out of the covid-19 pandemic. Editorial. Martin McKee. En BMJ.
Pharmacologic Treatments for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Review. James M. Sanders, Marguerite L. Monogue, Tomasz Z. Jodlowski, et al. En JAMA
Universal Masking in Hospitals in the Covid-19 Era. Michael Klompas, Charles A. Morris, Julia Sinclair, Madelyn Pearson, and Erica S. Shenoy. En NEJM Perspective
What Other Countries Can Learn From Italy During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Stefania Boccia, Walter Ricciardi, John P. A. Ioannidis. En JAMA Internal Medicine
Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany. Camilla Rothe et al. En NEJM
Covid-19: a remote assessment in primary care. Trisha Greenhalgh. En The BMJ
“This article will present some guiding principles on how to choose between telephone and video appointments, how to conduct a “query covid” consultation remotely, and considerations when arranging follow-up and next steps. It does not cover remote triage or how to set up video consulting in your practice.”
Medical Student Education in the Time of COVID-19. Suzanne Rose. En JAMA.
“Although the necessary focus has been to care for patients and communities, the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 has disrupted medical education and requires intense and prompt attention from medical educators. The need to prepare future physicians has never been as focused as it is now in the setting of a global emergency.”
Mental health considerations for children quarantined because of COVID-19. Jia Jia Liu, Yanping Bao, Xiaolin Huang, Jie Shi and Lin Lu. En The Lancet.
The article refers to the mental health of quarantined children. It mainly alerts of the stress that the separation of its caregivers can cause in case the child is infected. Furthermore, mental health professionals should establish evidence-based guidelines and easy strategies to cope with COVID-19 pandemic-related mental health problems in children.
Experts’ request to the Spanish Government: move Spain towards complete lockdown. Oriol Mitjà, Àlex Arenas, Xavier Rodó, Aurelio Tobias, Joe Brew, José M Benlloch et al. En The Lancet
Management of Critically Ill adults with COVID-19. Jason T. Poston, Bhakti K. Patel, Andrew M. Davis, MD. In JAMA
Clinical guideline for severe COVID-19 pacients.
Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV-2 as Compared with SARS-CoV-1. Neeltje van Doremalen. In The New England Journal of Medicine
This article tries to answer the question of how long the virus lasts on aerosols or surfaces.
Case-Fatality Rate and Characteristics of Patients Dying in Relation to COVID-19 in Italy. Graziano Onder, Giovanni Rezza, Silvio Brusaferro. In JAMA
This article shows how Italy has a high proportion of older patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection and that the older population in Italy may partly explain differences in cases and case-fatality rates among countries.
Also, it shows the need for transparency in reporting testing policies, with clear reporting of the denominators used to calculate case-fatality rates and the age, sex, and clinical comorbid status of affected persons when comparing COVID-19 case and mortality rates between different countries and regions. Continued surveillance, with transparent and accurate reporting of patient characteristics and testing policies, is needed from multiple countries to better understand the global epidemiology of COVID-19.
Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection? Lei Fang, George Karakiulakis & Michael Roth. In The Lancet - Respiratory Medicine
This letter poses the hypothesis of a higher risk and severity of COVID-19 in diabetic patients, and possible interactions with ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II type-I receptor blockers (both often used as an arterial hypertension treatment) and other drugs as thiazolidinediones or Ibuprofen.
The Demand for Inpatient and ICU Beds for COVID-19 in the US: Lessons From Chinese Cities. Ruoran, Li, Caitlin Rivers, Qi Tan, Megan B Murray, Eric Toner, and Marc Lipsitch. In Harvard University’s DASH repository
This article describes the needs of hospital and ICU beds for patients with COVID-19 confirmed in two Chinese cities (Wuhan and Guangzhou) from January 10th to February 29th, 2020, and compares the disease control measures regarding the timing of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 community. From this analysis, the maximum needs of ICU beds in American cities are estimated.